1. Supported HTTP methods

Currently all API endpoints are supporting only the HTTP GET method. Accepting HTTP POST is work in progress.

Base API address

2. Generation options

Since currently only GET methods exists, all options should be set using query parameters. Every endpoint supports a resultsCount query parameter, that controls how many items are returned at once.
Example: https://hipstapas.dev/api/?resultsCount=5 generates 5 phrases at once and returns a JSON array containing the newly generated strings.
For query parameters of type boolean that are not explicitely specified, true is always the default option.

3. Endpoints

3.1 Password - the default endpoint (/index)

The easiest way to generate a strong phrase is to call the base API address - call https://hipstapas.dev/api to generate a new password. That's it! You just created a password using the default options (alphabet consists of small, capital, numbers and special charactes, min. length is 16 and max. length is 32 characters).

Parameter name Type Allowed values
If set to true the generation alphabet contains small characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
If set to true the generation alphabet contains capital characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
If set to true the generation alphabet contains numbers: 0123456789
If set to true the generation alphabet contains special characters: .,+-*/!?;:{}()[]%$&~#@|
Defines the minimal length of the generated phrase
Defines the maximal length of the generated phrase
Defines how many results should be generated at once
Example call to:
  • generate 5 phrases at once
  • where each phrase is exactly 5 characters long
  • excluding special and capital characters (in other words - using only small characters and numbers)

3.2 Generating UUID (/uuid)

Call https://hipstapas.dev/api/uuid to generate a new (version 4) uuid. That's it!

Parameter name Type Allowed values
Defines how many results should be generated at once

3.3 EFF wordlist (/wordlist)

Call https://hipstapas.dev/api/wordlist to create a passphrase from 6 words (as described and suggested by EFF https://www.eff.org/de/dice). This is the default option. The count of the words per passphrase can be set between 1 and 50 using the query parameter words, e.g. https://hipstapas.dev/api/wordlist/?words=3.

Parameter name Type Allowed values
Defines the count of the words per passphrase
Defines how many results should be generated at once

3.4 Random number (/random)

Call https://hipstapas.dev/api/random to create a random number between 1 and 1048576. The default values are:

  • min=1
  • max=1
  • sort=false
  • noDuplicates=false
  • resultsCount=1
Parameter name Type Allowed values
Defines the lower bound of the number generator
Defines the upper bound of the number generator
Sorts the generated number sequence
The generated number sequence should contain only unique numbers
Defines how many results should be generated at once

4. Custom policy


5. API definition (OpenAPI / Swagger)

The hipstapas API definition: